Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm just waiting for the love child...

This Tiger Woods mess is getting out of control...well not getting. This Tiger Woods mess is OUT OF CONTROL. Last count, brings us to 9, thats right--NINE sidechicks!

Here is my advice to Tiger:
1. Fire your PR people, they obviously are not on your side.  In fact, you should try to find a firm that specializes in Caublasian disasters like your own.
2. Cheat up! If you're going to cheat, cheat with sidechicks who look better than your wife, who's pretty smokin.
3. Get tested for syphillis and chylamdia, both STIs are making a comeback with resistant strains
4. Hit it and leave it, no texts or staying over, yes you read right...he stayed at her house! Hit it and quit it is the mantra for cheaters for a reason.
5.  Hide the golf clubs, because Elin is likely to go Chris Brown on your ass again.

Now, to bring up a serious this debacle.

Check this out, look past the boob jobs and the ignorance: 

Really, the "whitest black boy" you've ever met. Did she really just say boy in America's post racial society, proving my point of how it is far from post racial?! And do black men only have sex doggy style...are they dogs? I'm at a lost and unfortunately, this chick lacks the brain matter to clear things up.

But anyhow, poor Elin.  Last I heard she's bought a house that can only be reached by ferry. Obvious that she doesn't want to see tiger because at least one-third of him is adverse to water.  If its any solace Elin, we the Black race, have given you a card.

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