Monday, December 21, 2009

Que Triste..

Brittany Murphy, star of Clueless and a myriad of other films and also the voice of Luanne from King of the Hill died of natural ages at the oh so young age of 32.

Although some blogs are wasting no time with the drama reporting (ie: Perez Hilton) mentioning her eating disorders, body image issues, and even accusing her husband to be suspicious because he opposed an autopsy (maybe it has something to do with the fact that he wants his wife to remain beautiful and untouched rather than a science experiment), I think its more important to remember that a pretty, young woman literally dropped dead something that should make us mere mortals refocus on the value of life.

Thoughts are with her family.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We all knew Colbert was an O.G.

Check out Alicia performing her latest single, Streets of New York, that has New Yorkers in tears--who knew that could happen?!

I wonder how long they rehearsed? But I looove this Keys/Colbert duo! He can actually sing...not sang, but he's doing good with the rapping and harmonies :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gifts for us Colored Folk

Every Christmas (or Hannakuh or Kwanza...but I'm on the record for saying Kwanza in my opinon is not a holiday) we make mad dashes to the store in search of the perfect gift for our friends and family.  You think you've found the perfect thing, then comes the doubt; do they like the color red? Do they already have this? Is this too cheap?

Well these days are over! At least for your "ethnic friends," because the New York Times has published a lovely guide, "Of Color | Stylish Gifts," to help you out! That's right because apparently people of color don't like iPods, books, gift cards, etc., we instead like gifts that remind us that we are the marginalized groups of U.S. and global society.

Some recommendations? For your black friends Carol's Daughter's Princess and the Frog Beauty kit, presumably because it kills two birds with one stone...recognizing Disney's First Black Princess while simultaneously taming your friends wild negro hair;  to reinforce the erroneous idea that we live in a post racial society, what about Nikki Grimes' book, Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope, since obviously Barack Obama's election signaled the end of racism; and well because since all blacks have kids out of wedlock what about Baby Jamz a collection of remixed nurury rhymes by Beyonce! It probably comes with a lace front wig as an accessory.

Don't feel left out Latinos! The Wise Latina t-shirt seems to be a shoe in for your liberal girlfriends, and for their kids (because along with blacks, Latinos are the other race group with children out of wedlock) what about the bilingual childrens book, Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La Juez Que Crecio en el Bronx by Jonah Winter?

Now, now....Asians you too fell victim to the list.  Because your face is so different from that of a white person's, despite the presence of eyes, ears, a nose, and a mouth you are very likely to find Asian Faces: The Essential Beauty and Makeup Guide for Asian Women by Taylor Chang-Babaian stuffed in your stocking! And because all Indians wear Henna all the time and they all love Bollywood what about Ash Kumar’s Bollywood Henna Kit

Really New York Times...REALLY!?! What made you guys think this was a good idea? Believe it or not but minorities are people too, meaning we don't need special gifts to let us know we're minorities. Trust. We are well aware.  The writer of this article is actually African American, and Poplitics is frantically searching for photo evidence.  Nonetheless, NYT issued this statement regarding the article:

Our online gift guides are intended to offer holiday gift ideas for a wide variety of audiences and interests, with Times writers and editors making smart, informed choices that might appeal to those different audiences.

The "Of Color" guide, in the Style & Travel category, is in keeping with that philosophy, and with the efforts of a diverse Times staff to directly address minority readers with our content.

Of course, we expect our readers to use the guides however they choose, and we hope they'll find interesting ideas in many different categories. But we'll continue our effort to provide content that's relevant and appealing.

Here are the issues I have with that lame statement:
1. Our online gift guides are intended to offer holiday gift ideas for a wide variety of audiences and interests: Then why wasn't there a "What to buy for your White friends" guide?
2. The "Of Color" guide, in the Style & Travel category, is in keeping with that philosophy, and with the efforts of a diverse Times staff to directly address minority readers with our content.: Umm, the way the article was written illustrates that it was geared toward readers who were not any of the races/ethnicities spoken about in the article. So I call BS on this one.
3. Of course, we expect our readers to use the guides however they choose, and we hope they'll find interesting ideas in many different categories. But we'll continue our effort to provide content that's relevant and appealing.: This isn't relevant! It reinforces the idea that minorities are "different" and should be treated as so, right down to Christmas shopping.

So in an effort to do what the NYT didn't do, I've composed a short list of things you should buy for your white friends. Just like the NYT article, I was sure to play up on stereotypes (many of the ideas taken from Stuff White People Like):

1. Learn Hip Hop Dance DVD, beause White people love to bust a move...or try to, especially around their one black friend.
2.  An Apple gift card, because White people love (and can actually afford) Apple products
3. An "I heart my Prius" bumper sticker, because White people love bumper stickers and being environmentally conscious, two birds, one stone!
4. A loofah, anyone who saw Tyra's show on race knows that White people prefer loofahs to wash cloths.

See its not very funny when its the other way around, is it? Three Boo's for all involved at the NYT in this "post racial society" Christmas list. BOOOO.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gaga does Christmas

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas.  I like cooking, baking, spending time with family, and drinking...a lot, be it coquito or mulled wine (a la Peru).  As I get older, I even like Christmas music, yes. Christmas music.  But Lady Gaga has found a way to make Christmas more dirty than a marketing company:

In case you are unsure of why my mouth is agape, here are the lyrics because Gaga can be a bit difficult to understand.  Plus, I'll admit the beat is catchy and after a drink or two the music can distract you from the lyrics that might inspire you:

Ra pa pam pam (whoa) (4x)
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
The only place you wanna be is underneath my Christmas tree
The only place you wanna be is underneath my Christmas tree
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Ho ho ho (Ra pa pam pam) under the mistletoe (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes everybody knows (Ra pa pam pam)
We will take off our clothes (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes if you want us to we will you
Oh oh a Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh a Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Space Cowboy
Light you up with you on top lets falalalala lalalala (lets go!!)
Light you up with you on top lets falalalala lalalala (lets go!!)
Ho ho ho (Ra pa pam pam) under the mistletoe (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes everybody knows (Ra pa pam pam)
We will take off our clothes (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes if you want us to we will, you
Lady Gaga
Oh oh oh Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh oh Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Here here here (Ra pa pam pam)
The best time of the year (Ra pa pam pam)
Take off my stocking’s we’re
I’m spreading Christmas cheer
And i’f you want us to we will, you
Oh oh a Christmas, my Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh a Christmas, my Christmas tree is delicious
Space Cowboy, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga and she goes
Space Cowboy, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga
Here we go
Cherry cherry boom boom!

Personally, the LAST place I'd want to be is underneath her Christmas tree...especially since its a questionable tree.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ya Basta, Zelaya!

Elections in Honduras have come and gone, the new president has been recognized by most in the international community, but Manueal Zelaya just will not go away!  Zelaya is now demanding asylum!

Really...Zelaya created and fueled this mess by refusing to negotiate, just make demands, a trend he doesn't seem intent on breaking.

If Lula likes him so, why doesn't HE grant Zelaya asylum into Brazil...yeah, exactly.

I'm just waiting for the love child...

This Tiger Woods mess is getting out of control...well not getting. This Tiger Woods mess is OUT OF CONTROL. Last count, brings us to 9, thats right--NINE sidechicks!

Here is my advice to Tiger:
1. Fire your PR people, they obviously are not on your side.  In fact, you should try to find a firm that specializes in Caublasian disasters like your own.
2. Cheat up! If you're going to cheat, cheat with sidechicks who look better than your wife, who's pretty smokin.
3. Get tested for syphillis and chylamdia, both STIs are making a comeback with resistant strains
4. Hit it and leave it, no texts or staying over, yes you read right...he stayed at her house! Hit it and quit it is the mantra for cheaters for a reason.
5.  Hide the golf clubs, because Elin is likely to go Chris Brown on your ass again.

Now, to bring up a serious this debacle.

Check this out, look past the boob jobs and the ignorance: 

Really, the "whitest black boy" you've ever met. Did she really just say boy in America's post racial society, proving my point of how it is far from post racial?! And do black men only have sex doggy style...are they dogs? I'm at a lost and unfortunately, this chick lacks the brain matter to clear things up.

But anyhow, poor Elin.  Last I heard she's bought a house that can only be reached by ferry. Obvious that she doesn't want to see tiger because at least one-third of him is adverse to water.  If its any solace Elin, we the Black race, have given you a card.