Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maybe his Mom didn't hug him enough?

I'm appalled that a black man made a 10 minute hate filled YouTube tyraid against black women, generalizing us as all as baby mama's, "anchor-baby" creators and child abusers, hoodrats, uneducated, divas, materialistic, and sexually deviant.  Furthermore, I loved that  strong black women were associated with dead beat dads, jail birds, and wedlock while strong black men were associated with success and stability.  Need I mention Ambassador Davis, Fmr. Secretary of State Rice, and of course...Oprah (she is more than an entertainer...which is what he implies...she is a businesswoman.)

I personally am a strong independent black woman that holds two Bachelor's degrees, and will hold a Master's degree with honors in May.  I will enter the foreign service, a branch of our government not only responsible for diplomacy, but also has a small number of women and minorities present.  At 24, I have no children, my parents are still married, I am in a stable and loving relationship with a gainfully employed man (who for the record is not black, showing that other races are attracted to black women contrary to the video creator's belief) and my sisters and I share the same two parents and last name.  My mother, also a strong independent black woman, instilled in me the value of a work ethic, earning things, having patience, and a solid education.

I am not alone.  I have many black female friends that I consider to be strong, independent black women...these women are tomorrow's leaders and they don't have kids, baby mama drama, or no education; instead they have excelled in academia earning prestigious fellowships and have met men (of all contrary to his commentary strong independent black women do date outside of the black race and don't see a need to "preserve" the race) that can handle their intellect and grace. So to address the quote "she's not strong or independent, she's a pathetic child" --I sir, am not a child nor are any black women regardless of their behavior that may or may not meet your standards for approval.  Furthermore, there are countless black women excelling in their professional and personal lives, and those who have made mistakes are actively seeking to right the wrongs, therefore....they are strong, independent black women.

Also, I really enjoyed the perception that women of other races don't consider themselves to be strong, independent [insert race/ethnicity here] women.  I mean, in 2009, most women in the Western world seek independence in their decision making, be it personal or professional.  So, this is not an "epidemic" of black women, but women of the world.  With respect to the negative aspects, there is baby mama drama, low education levels, and loud cell phone conversations across the races...sadly, black women are jut quicker to be labeled "ghetto" by society for fitting into any of the aforementioned criteria...I blame colonialism as these perceptions resonate in nations that once held slaves.  I have personally witnessed it throughout Latin America while travelling and living abroad.

As for the creator of this video, he mentions repeatedly that black women are belligerant.  Well in my opinon his video is an example of him being beligerant, racist, and close minded...the same things he accuses "strong, black women" of.

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