Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rep. Grayson was right...if you get sick, "die quickly"

With all the talk about death panels and conservative cries that the government would kill your Granny, I thought this was important to show:

So conservatives and people who don't support the government run health care plan, the government won't kill Granny because private companies have beat them to it.  Although the video is about the electric company denying her access to the critical customer program, I thought it was very neoliberal for the company to suggest that this woman dying of cancer, who can't pay her electric bills, and who is spending God only knows how much on drugs should purchase a $1,100 battery operated tank. Yes electric company that is logical...if she had 1,100 don't you think she'd pay her electric bill?!  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The bottom line is this. I understand capitalism is our global economic system.  However, I am tired of capitalism, privatization, and "the system" taking over human beings making them uncompassionate, dillilusioned, self people.

I'm thinking about raising some money for this woman so she can buy a nice pump to sleep through the night.  She's in stage four of cancer, she should at least be able to live her last days comfortably.

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