Friday, October 9, 2009

Where is Kanye when you need him?

Yes, less than a year into office and not passing a single piece of significant legislation, President Obama has "won" a Nobel Peace Prize.  Check out his acceptance:

My commentary as it came after viewing the above video:

--Yeah I'd be surprised if I won a prize for not doing a damn thing...

--Really....a call to action?! Aren't millions of uninsured American's a call to action? What about the thousands of wounded and injured troops being sent home in a different way than they left? What about energy dependency? What about the millions of students drowning in predatory student loan debt?! These are just a few examples of how people have been yelling at you to come to action, Mr. President.

The Prize Committee said that they "decided to honor Obama for his 'extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples'."  Umm, he just extended the Cuban he said he wouldn't do and did I mention Gitmo won't be closing on time? On top of leaving our troops in the sand for a couple more years...also a blatant policy shift.

Sorry Barack, I call bullsh*t.  A Nobel Prize should not be your call to action, the millions of global citizens waiting for you to make decisions that in some way affects their daily life is what should be your call to action. 

Point blank, the rockstar treatment is only going to go so far.  Unfortunately, Obama is riding a wave of international coolness that causes many to forget that he has yet to do anything.  I'm not saying that he won't wow us with results some day, but he should not be able to post-date his accomplishments, if I can't post-date a check a couple of days before payday.  Furthermore politically, this delegitimizes the liberal cause and your administration.

I've composed a list of other people who deserve a Nobel Prize, since they just give them away now:

1. Me: I've worked (within academia and volunteering) to make Latin America more equitable.
2. Lula: He's reduced Brazil's GINI coefficient and implemented successful social welfare projects
3. Just about every Costa Rican President: They don't even have an army! Plus they broker peace deals, making them the most peaceful country in the hemisphere.
4. The group of Thai doctors that has gotten the closest to curing AIDS than ever before
5. My mom, because she had me.
6. Your mom, because she had you and you're reading my blog.

In the words of Kayne:

Yo President Obama, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish but Jimmy Carter was the best Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of ALL TIME!

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