Friday, October 9, 2009

What?! My best friend is black!

So a Georgia man who has a black friend, frequently uses the N word, has a klan mannequin and pictures of MLK for decoration in his restaurant has brazely put this sign in front of this restaurant:

I find it ironic that:
--They sent a black woman to report the story
--This man is a member of the NAACP
--A person asked about the restraurant owner says, "He's a racist, I hate him"

Bottomline: the man says that its about health care and how Obama needs to fix it...others say its racist.  I vote for the later, especially considering the definition of n*gger rig. Here are two that I was partial to:


1. To fix something in a very cheap way, using whatever materials are handy.
2. A term used to describe a temporary fix or quick fix for an object using any tools at hand. Derived from the ingenuity of early African-Americans who did not have the means to fix every day objects and had to come up with these temporary fixes.
3. To repair something in a lazy and wrong manner. So the item will work for a short time but the repair won't last very long.

Using the above definition, Obama's health care plan is not a cheap fix (see defintion 1).  In fact its a multi-billion dollar overhaul of an already n*gger rigged system (see definition 3, think of insurance companies and state run options), if you want to be technical.  Also, the materials handy--our congressmen--are far from helpful on the subject.  Secondly, assuming the bill passes, this is not a termporary fix (see defintion 2), instead this will be something that will improve the health of Americans, in addition to the broken system since currently many do not have the means to provide health insurance for themselves.

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