Thursday, May 20, 2010

iThink the white glow...

...hypnotizes you to a point of blind ignorance! I'm so sick of freaking Apple.  After going to one of the most expensive private universities in the country (as the poor kid on fellowship) for graduate school, the past two years of my life has been filled with iPhones, iBooks, and iThinktheworldrevolves around me.  So many Apple lovers all over the place, usually at Starbucks or in plazas on campus, using every opportunity to demean lowly PCs.  So when the iPad came out, the foam around my mouth grew thicker.

I'm not tech geek or anything, but isn't an iPad just a GIANT iPhone or iPod Touch? Or a small computer with no keyboard? I didn't understand the hype, and to be frank, I still don't.  I just don't understand the benefit of carrying around this awkward sheet of glass in your backpack that is too awkward to use like a computer, but too big to truly be handheld.  Why the anger you ask? Because I read this ignorant article and thought "no sh*t!" and felt the need to vent.

Essentially, the iPad is great because it preys on the ignorant, I mean loyal Apple fans as they will blindly buy any new Apple product, despite already owning a similar (if not superior product). 


However, for me my iPod circa 2006 is working just fine (despite a few hits and foreign which point I would like to not that most newer Apple products can't stand being breathed on too hard, let alone dropped) and I plan to use it until it dies, and when I do decide to upgrade I'll get the iPod touch for its wireless connectivity (I don't like the iPhone, just because I value separate devices).  Basically, its just bird-brained (or apple-brained) to own a iPad, iBook, and iPhone because they are the same f-ing device.  Okay, maybe you can have an iBook and which case you definitely don't need an iPad.

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