Thursday, May 6, 2010

On birth control, but wanting Babies.... in this adorable documentary! Check out the trailer:

First, I'm going to provide some subtitles to the opening clip, otherwise know as the Baby Knock Down:
:10 mark: Baby 1: You know you're not really grinding that mud right; Baby 2: Oh, really.
:15 mark: Baby 2: Why don't you just mind your mud pile
:18 mark: Baby 2: No really....mind your mud pile!
:20 mark: Baby 1: Screw you, I have a tooth.
:29 mark: Baby 2: I totally went Chris Brown on her...not cool...but she bit me! Oh well back to my rock...

Now my favorite parts of this adorable snippet is of course EVERYTHING, but mainly:
-The child essentially crawling into the dog's mouth
-The child bound so tightly that it moves like a snow angel

My one criticism of babies already is that there is no Latin American and/or Caribbean representation as the babies hail from: Mongolia, Nambia, Japan, and the U.S. But, aside from that it looks good and maybe I'll go see it.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely go see it! I thought of you first when I saw the preview actually :)Also, seeing that your child is half-Asian, I approve of your Asian baby lust!
