Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rahm Emanuel eats babies.

Sigh, well he doesn't really eat babies (to my knowledge),* but I'm convinced he is pure evil.  Rahm Emanuel is the Democratic Party's version of Dick Cheney; You know, acting like he's the President when he's not by directing secret stuff (cough cough drones in Pakistan) and leading policy.  Except instead of fat evil, he comes in vampire evil.  I mean just look at those dark circles:

Nonetheless, White House staff is dropping like flies.  One by one they bite the dust.  I think the first was Louis Caldera after his womp womp 9-11esque photo shoot in NYC, followed by Van Jones because of his harsh anti-Republican rhetoric; Then there was the OH so fly Desiree Rogers who got blamed for that whole party crasher crap (yes, blame the Black woman with the awesome outfit and NOT you know, Secret Service or Metro police).  Now, Daniel Meltzer has decided to go back to his cushy tenure teaching position at Harvard.

So I'm sure you're wondering "So, what does this have to do with Rahm Emanuel and his (possible) appetite for babies?"  I'll tell you.  Rahm marches to the beat of his own little drum and tries to (in my opinion) bully, er, I mean "pressure" politicians to do what he wants.  This includes Obama, and last I checked Rahm was not elected President or Vice President so he needs to shut up, and sit down.  Adding to his arrogance, he wasn't exactly helpful in the healthcare debate, burning bridges all over the hill and calling people who wanted universal healthcare, "retarded" (pardon me for not wanting to go bankrupt over a major illness).  Not to mention confronting Congressman Eric Massa in a shower (really, is this high school?! not to mention awk-ward) Basically, this (from a HuffPo-Politics article) sums up my feelings on Emanuel:  

Emanuel is a Bush Democrat - but not in that he has learned the lesson about the value of holding firmly to core values. He is a Bush Democrat in that he has allowed Republicans to traumatize him into submission. Emanuel operates on a battlefield as defined by Republicans, where the terrain is littered with the specter of imaginary but profoundly terrifying GOP attack ads. His reflexive approach is the strategic retreat

So to close. Fire Rahm.  Stop loosing all the good things your administration had going because this fool is hard to work with.  In fact, hire Michael Moore. Okay, maybe not really. BUT! Rahm needs to be put in check or sent packing.

PS:  The oil leak is still gushing. Fan-freaking-tastic.  And BP stock has fallen to a stank-a-dank $49.00/share I need their stock to maintain some value just to ensure they can pay those fishermen and clean those beaches.  Maybe even buy some sea turtles and other animals seeing that they're killing them all.

*People like to sue for slander and such these days, so one more time...for the record: Rahm Emanuel is not a known consumer of babies or any other human tissue.  I just thought that would help me explain how evil I think that he is.

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