Friday, May 7, 2010

Gush Baby, Trickle?

After weeks of trying to cap the oil leak, BP has finally lowered the second containment dome.  In the cover of darkness (told you they were evil), BP started lowering the 4-story containment, save as much of our oil so that we can turn a profit dome to the site of the leak; officials expect that the dome (assuming it works) will be operational (capturing and pumping oil) by Monday.  This is good news since this monstrosity is gushing a disgusting, murky 5,000 barrels of oil A DAY.  

Now if anyone is anything like me, they've been curious to know: "What the hell does oil gushing at the bottom of the ocean look like?!" Well, here it is (this is BP capping the first leak, and the oil becomes truly apparent around the 1:50 mark):

Sadly, the oil has already reached the delicate nature reserves off the coast of Louisiana...booo BP hissssss boooo.  Also, speaking of economic impacts, I'm curious if this oil gush* will drive BP convenience stores out of business (at least in the Gulf and in left leaning states) as people protest the giant.  Thoughts?

*I refuse to call this a spill as a spill is an event with a clear beginning and end; this is a gush as oil has been pouring non stop into our fragile, and once sexy ocean.

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