Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Brewing

The Tea Partiers are steeping, and sadly gaining Congressional seats, along with average Republicans as the tea baggers go increasingly rabid in their pursuit for Washington in November.

I think its important to note that Specter was once a Republican who switched to the Democratic party following the wave of liberalism and Obama lust.  He followed the trend in an effort to gain political capital and popularity.  With that said, I can't help but wonder if Rand Paul is capitalizing off of the popularity of the tea party "movement," and is in fact a more moderate Republican like his father Ron.  I guess only time will tell.

Moving on, I blame the village idiot, Sarah Palin, for a lot of this (I mean look at her, don't you think she has a touch of the crazy eye?).  For a woman who barely graduated from college, lacks an advanced degree, can't form a complete sentence on the fly, and butchers Snooki's infamous bump, I just need her to shut up and sit down.  Instead, she's riling up the ignorant masses of the rural U.S. to vote for policies that ultimately hurt them.  Why's that you ask? Here's why.  Despite an allegedly diverse following, a majority of tea partiers are White (well duh), older men, whom earn higher than average incomes, and claim fundamental Christianity to be their worship of choice.  Additionally, there is the perception among tea drinkers that the country is moving toward socialism.*Bottom line: The tea party movement is composed of old white men who are afraid the black man (President Obama) is going to go all Robin Hood and steal their ridiculous amounts of wealth.

So given the bottom line I find it odd when middle class to poor Americans rock out to the message of this movement.  Lets look at Pennsylvania, a state with right lean and a number of official tea groups.  The poverty rate is 15.1 percent, only three percentage points below the national average, and the poverty rate among whites in the state is only 0.5 percent lower than the national average.  The number of whites uninsured is also ridiculous given their proportion of the population; nearly 25 percent of whites lack health insurance which means of the states nearly 8.5 million white citizens, a bit over 2 million of them lack coverage. Given these social statistics, it would seem that the ideals of the tea party would not be exactly be beneficial and perhaps universal health care and other social programs would be helpful, but hey what's common sense?

Adding to the zoo, married Conservative House Member Mark Souder has decided to step down after a hot and sexy...well probably a lame and dull....affair with a staffer (whom was also married).  I just think its HI-Larious when Republicans get stuck in these sex scandals because they usually run on that whole family values crap.  Anyhow, check out his peace out:

So, thats a quick wrap up of the pendulum shift, I just hope it calms down by 2012...

*It seems that no one knows the definition of socialism, so as a Political Science degree holder I thought I'd clarify.  Socialism is a political philosophy that encompasses various theories of economic organization based on either public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation. (Source: Wikipedia)  Cuba and the former Soviet Union are the closest things to socialism that has existed, however, capitalistic tenets remain. So, all the baggers need to chill.


  1. Great post, good humor, good facts. "Oh no Mr. Black Man, don't steal our money!!"

  2. Ha thanks Calvin, you know what they say...sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying...
