Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another reason to go to Raleigh

Aside from visiting my wonderful boyfriend, I now have another reason to drive from Virginia to North Carolina! What is it you ask? To see Chris Brown doing his community service! As you know, Virginia native and girlfriend-beater Chris Brown, is completing his community service here.  He was recently spotted in Richmond, beautifying my drive:

Police say they will be flexible in allowing him to complete his service...hmph.  Rhianna wasn't very flexble after she got beat up, in fact she was quite sore.  Put him in a jump suit and take away his blackberry, which can be spotted in his back pants pocket.

Now for those you don't remember, he only has to mow the grass after beating RiRi damn near dead (see side-by-side below, courtesy of

Way to go justice system!

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