Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Its Tea Time!

Sigh.  Honestly, once was enough guys.  After their "successful" coast-to-coast journey, the teabaggers (synonyms include racists, closeminded people, the uninformed, FOX news viewers, Glenn Beck followers, Klan, and crazies) are at it again and will be at a city near you!

The "Our Country Deserves Better" Committee (I'm not even going to take that shot, its too easy) announced the next tour will begin on October 25 in California, and become a complete clusterf*ck in Florida on November 11. 

Hopefully they won't have to use the Million Man March photo as evidence of success this time.

1 comment:

  1. Yo it's C-dawg!!! I love your blog! It is actually fabulous.

    We could have a long bitch session about the teabagging freaks. Seriously? Seriously? Bat shit crazy. Literally lacking reasoning skills. It is bizarre.
