Friday, September 18, 2009

Pot calling the Kettle black, I call them both dumb.

 Cleverness by me and Paint technology

Nice try.

Mark Sanford is apparently stating that "it's time to move on," when asked about Joe I-don't-know-how-to-act when-grown-ups-are-talking Wilson's know when called the president a liar in Congress:

Sanford asserts that Joe has apologized, and that should be good enough..yeah, tell that to Jenny Sanford...oh wait, she's divorcing you.

Sorry, gov-a-nah, but you're not the one to be giving out advice...might I remind you that you skipped THE COUNTRY to go have an affair, possibly on my tax dollars?  If I were you I'd shut up and keep learning Spanish from your mistress, who is rumored to be in SC with you.

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