Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Possibly Crazy, Purely Fabulous

So love or hate the crazy broad, Lady Gaga is pop's current princess.  With the style of a crazy art kid, musical depth of Britney Spears, and the marketing team of Wal*Mart, Gaga is always in the press and trying to be bigger, better, and more outlandish.  
This year's VMAs (I didn't watch them, too old) was a perfect place for Madam Gaga to display her keen sense of fashion.  She and fashionistas think she's cutting edge, me and psychatrists think she may be cutting herself.  Here is a great decoding Gaga's VMA get ups and it is HI-LARIOUS.  Also, check this out:

Since earlier discovering Paint, I have created a new look for Gaga: 

-She is in a bubble, b/c lets face it Gaga is to fabulous to be touched by the outside world

-Her eyes are red because she is FIERCE!
-Why the bird? Honestly, do you think she knows whats in her weave? That bird has been there for months.
-The sun and moon jumper reflects Gaga's control over the universe, while the cardboard box boots humble the performer.  The sun rays also conveniently cover her alleged penis (around the 1 minute mark):

(PS: Really, Lady Gaga...pop...festival...sweaty, dirty? Am I missing something?!)

Jokes aside, I like Gaga even though she's nuts, so this really was just me having fun with Paint.  So Lady, if you're readying don't go all crazy like you did here:


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