Thursday, September 17, 2009

Which Potty to Use?

(Above photos courtesy of: Flickr user Badjonni) 
A Toliet Revolution will be occurring in Chicago this Saturday to question gender norms of using the potty in public. Call me conservative, but if you have a functioning, pre-op penis you go to the boys bathroom; functioning pre-op vaginas go to the girls restrooms.  I'm not trying to discriminate, but concurrently I don't want to see someone with stubble come in when I need to change my tampon, pee, pull my wedgie out discretely, or gossip with my girls.  Furthermore, especially in places with children like restaurants and stores, it might cause some confusion and no one questions how the rights of parents and children could be stomped on.

I understand parents need to teach children tolerance and understanding, but I also don't think society has the right to accelerate this process or take a child's innocence.  I plan on having lovely progressive children, but I don't want to spend the rest of my dinner explaining how it is okay for some boys to use the girls bathroom and vice versa.  Like I said, I'm sorry if you feel like a man as a woman or vice versa, you should be pulling out the goods in the restroom designed to reflect your biological, not psychological gender.

Alternatively, why not establish a gender neutral bathroom for those who feel that they don't identify with one gender or the other? My solution is a third bathroom with the below sign:

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