Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We're afraid of Venezuela and not North Korea?

So, Washington is concerned that Venezuela is going to incite a South American arms race thanks to the country's recent weapons purchases from Russia.  Missiles that go an astonishing 55 what, land in another part of Venezuela? Or those technologically cutting edge Soviet-era tanks. What about anti-aircraft that has an astonishing 185 mile range.  If you can't tell by my sarcasm, I don't think this is much of a threat.

To prove my point, lets rewind to Cuba, because Venezuela is haphazardly following the same path which I'm sure will lead to the same destruction.  Exception, the Venezuelans will throw a successful coup before they completely sink like Cuba did.  Cuba began depending heavily on the Soviets for trade and weaponry.  When Russian realized capitalism would be far more fun, they slowly put a squeeze on the Cubans until eventually all trade and sweetheart treatment ceased, and the nation sunk into a depression that it has really never recovered from.

Fastforward: Hugo Chavez and his Bolivarian Revolution idolizes Fidel Castro's failed revolution.  With said, why wouldn't Chavez be pretentious enough to believe that he can execute what Fidel couldn't.  This will lead to one big epic fail.

So State Department, why don't we refocus our attention to North Korea, a country with proven capabilities and crazies. Also, if any country in the region should be viewed as an arms threat it should be advanced, stable Brazil.

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