Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Better Kayne than Joe...

This combines two of my loves, pop culture and politics.  As we know Kayne kicked a puppy, I mean stole a lollipop from a child, I mean stormed the stage during sweet Taylor Swift's VMA win. For those living under a rock, you can see Taylor's heart break here.
What does the leader of the free world have to say? "Jackass." (hear the HI-larious clip and read what Perez Hilton has to say about it, here) Well said, bravo, and supposedly, off the record (shame on that reporter for publishing an off the record comment). 
As my southern mother would say, you call people by their names so Obama was a bit wrong for calling the "still grieving" Kayne a jackass for is ridiculous behavior.  But, it would have been worse had he called Joe Wilson a jackass in retaliation for Joe calling him a liar. Which in my opinion would have been wrong, but also a great summarizing statement. Sticks and stones...

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