Monday, December 21, 2009

Que Triste..

Brittany Murphy, star of Clueless and a myriad of other films and also the voice of Luanne from King of the Hill died of natural ages at the oh so young age of 32.

Although some blogs are wasting no time with the drama reporting (ie: Perez Hilton) mentioning her eating disorders, body image issues, and even accusing her husband to be suspicious because he opposed an autopsy (maybe it has something to do with the fact that he wants his wife to remain beautiful and untouched rather than a science experiment), I think its more important to remember that a pretty, young woman literally dropped dead something that should make us mere mortals refocus on the value of life.

Thoughts are with her family.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We all knew Colbert was an O.G.

Check out Alicia performing her latest single, Streets of New York, that has New Yorkers in tears--who knew that could happen?!

I wonder how long they rehearsed? But I looove this Keys/Colbert duo! He can actually sing...not sang, but he's doing good with the rapping and harmonies :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gifts for us Colored Folk

Every Christmas (or Hannakuh or Kwanza...but I'm on the record for saying Kwanza in my opinon is not a holiday) we make mad dashes to the store in search of the perfect gift for our friends and family.  You think you've found the perfect thing, then comes the doubt; do they like the color red? Do they already have this? Is this too cheap?

Well these days are over! At least for your "ethnic friends," because the New York Times has published a lovely guide, "Of Color | Stylish Gifts," to help you out! That's right because apparently people of color don't like iPods, books, gift cards, etc., we instead like gifts that remind us that we are the marginalized groups of U.S. and global society.

Some recommendations? For your black friends Carol's Daughter's Princess and the Frog Beauty kit, presumably because it kills two birds with one stone...recognizing Disney's First Black Princess while simultaneously taming your friends wild negro hair;  to reinforce the erroneous idea that we live in a post racial society, what about Nikki Grimes' book, Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope, since obviously Barack Obama's election signaled the end of racism; and well because since all blacks have kids out of wedlock what about Baby Jamz a collection of remixed nurury rhymes by Beyonce! It probably comes with a lace front wig as an accessory.

Don't feel left out Latinos! The Wise Latina t-shirt seems to be a shoe in for your liberal girlfriends, and for their kids (because along with blacks, Latinos are the other race group with children out of wedlock) what about the bilingual childrens book, Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La Juez Que Crecio en el Bronx by Jonah Winter?

Now, now....Asians you too fell victim to the list.  Because your face is so different from that of a white person's, despite the presence of eyes, ears, a nose, and a mouth you are very likely to find Asian Faces: The Essential Beauty and Makeup Guide for Asian Women by Taylor Chang-Babaian stuffed in your stocking! And because all Indians wear Henna all the time and they all love Bollywood what about Ash Kumar’s Bollywood Henna Kit

Really New York Times...REALLY!?! What made you guys think this was a good idea? Believe it or not but minorities are people too, meaning we don't need special gifts to let us know we're minorities. Trust. We are well aware.  The writer of this article is actually African American, and Poplitics is frantically searching for photo evidence.  Nonetheless, NYT issued this statement regarding the article:

Our online gift guides are intended to offer holiday gift ideas for a wide variety of audiences and interests, with Times writers and editors making smart, informed choices that might appeal to those different audiences.

The "Of Color" guide, in the Style & Travel category, is in keeping with that philosophy, and with the efforts of a diverse Times staff to directly address minority readers with our content.

Of course, we expect our readers to use the guides however they choose, and we hope they'll find interesting ideas in many different categories. But we'll continue our effort to provide content that's relevant and appealing.

Here are the issues I have with that lame statement:
1. Our online gift guides are intended to offer holiday gift ideas for a wide variety of audiences and interests: Then why wasn't there a "What to buy for your White friends" guide?
2. The "Of Color" guide, in the Style & Travel category, is in keeping with that philosophy, and with the efforts of a diverse Times staff to directly address minority readers with our content.: Umm, the way the article was written illustrates that it was geared toward readers who were not any of the races/ethnicities spoken about in the article. So I call BS on this one.
3. Of course, we expect our readers to use the guides however they choose, and we hope they'll find interesting ideas in many different categories. But we'll continue our effort to provide content that's relevant and appealing.: This isn't relevant! It reinforces the idea that minorities are "different" and should be treated as so, right down to Christmas shopping.

So in an effort to do what the NYT didn't do, I've composed a short list of things you should buy for your white friends. Just like the NYT article, I was sure to play up on stereotypes (many of the ideas taken from Stuff White People Like):

1. Learn Hip Hop Dance DVD, beause White people love to bust a move...or try to, especially around their one black friend.
2.  An Apple gift card, because White people love (and can actually afford) Apple products
3. An "I heart my Prius" bumper sticker, because White people love bumper stickers and being environmentally conscious, two birds, one stone!
4. A loofah, anyone who saw Tyra's show on race knows that White people prefer loofahs to wash cloths.

See its not very funny when its the other way around, is it? Three Boo's for all involved at the NYT in this "post racial society" Christmas list. BOOOO.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gaga does Christmas

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas.  I like cooking, baking, spending time with family, and drinking...a lot, be it coquito or mulled wine (a la Peru).  As I get older, I even like Christmas music, yes. Christmas music.  But Lady Gaga has found a way to make Christmas more dirty than a marketing company:

In case you are unsure of why my mouth is agape, here are the lyrics because Gaga can be a bit difficult to understand.  Plus, I'll admit the beat is catchy and after a drink or two the music can distract you from the lyrics that might inspire you:

Ra pa pam pam (whoa) (4x)
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
The only place you wanna be is underneath my Christmas tree
The only place you wanna be is underneath my Christmas tree
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Light me up with me on top lets falalalala lalalala
Ho ho ho (Ra pa pam pam) under the mistletoe (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes everybody knows (Ra pa pam pam)
We will take off our clothes (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes if you want us to we will you
Oh oh a Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh a Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Space Cowboy
Light you up with you on top lets falalalala lalalala (lets go!!)
Light you up with you on top lets falalalala lalalala (lets go!!)
Ho ho ho (Ra pa pam pam) under the mistletoe (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes everybody knows (Ra pa pam pam)
We will take off our clothes (Ra pa pam pam)
Yes if you want us to we will, you
Lady Gaga
Oh oh oh Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh oh Christmas, My Christmas tree is delicious
Here here here (Ra pa pam pam)
The best time of the year (Ra pa pam pam)
Take off my stocking’s we’re
I’m spreading Christmas cheer
And i’f you want us to we will, you
Oh oh a Christmas, my Christmas tree is delicious
Oh oh a Christmas, my Christmas tree is delicious
Space Cowboy, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga and she goes
Space Cowboy, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga
Here we go
Cherry cherry boom boom!

Personally, the LAST place I'd want to be is underneath her Christmas tree...especially since its a questionable tree.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ya Basta, Zelaya!

Elections in Honduras have come and gone, the new president has been recognized by most in the international community, but Manueal Zelaya just will not go away!  Zelaya is now demanding asylum!

Really...Zelaya created and fueled this mess by refusing to negotiate, just make demands, a trend he doesn't seem intent on breaking.

If Lula likes him so, why doesn't HE grant Zelaya asylum into Brazil...yeah, exactly.

I'm just waiting for the love child...

This Tiger Woods mess is getting out of control...well not getting. This Tiger Woods mess is OUT OF CONTROL. Last count, brings us to 9, thats right--NINE sidechicks!

Here is my advice to Tiger:
1. Fire your PR people, they obviously are not on your side.  In fact, you should try to find a firm that specializes in Caublasian disasters like your own.
2. Cheat up! If you're going to cheat, cheat with sidechicks who look better than your wife, who's pretty smokin.
3. Get tested for syphillis and chylamdia, both STIs are making a comeback with resistant strains
4. Hit it and leave it, no texts or staying over, yes you read right...he stayed at her house! Hit it and quit it is the mantra for cheaters for a reason.
5.  Hide the golf clubs, because Elin is likely to go Chris Brown on your ass again.

Now, to bring up a serious this debacle.

Check this out, look past the boob jobs and the ignorance: 

Really, the "whitest black boy" you've ever met. Did she really just say boy in America's post racial society, proving my point of how it is far from post racial?! And do black men only have sex doggy style...are they dogs? I'm at a lost and unfortunately, this chick lacks the brain matter to clear things up.

But anyhow, poor Elin.  Last I heard she's bought a house that can only be reached by ferry. Obvious that she doesn't want to see tiger because at least one-third of him is adverse to water.  If its any solace Elin, we the Black race, have given you a card.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'd hail a pink taxi!

I love Latin America. I love the adventure.  But, I don't love skeevy taxi drivers that I have often encountered there.  Well a Mexican entrepeneur has solved that problem--she has started a fleet of taxis that are driven by women and that only picks up women! I love it.  Although women's rights advocates (presumeably Anglo) call this a bandaid that doesn't address core social problems, I think (having being a gringa travelling alone in the region) this is a fabulous idea that will hopefully spread.  Read for yourself :)

Plus....aren't these taxis way cuter than that beat up one with the dents and duck tape...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Its just like a mini-mall

While procrastinating, I was watching the Cleveland show....which I have absolutely fallen in love with.  Long story short is that it is a spin-off from Family Guy, following the life of a post-divorced, mid-life crisis Cleveland that has moved back to his hometown and haphazardly remarried.

Tonight's episode was good, but this bit of hilarity made me literally roll around laughing for a bit.  I warn you this video is bootleg, but thanks for the YouTube-er who put it up!

Here is what they are spoofing:

Well done!

For all of you waiting...

I will write a post about the awesome David Bazan show tomorrow :)

In the meantime, enjoy this stream of Bless this Mess, one of my favorite songs by him and his band of cool bearded dudes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another reason Europe kicks our butt

Musical stairs! This would be a hit in DC, especially considering the number of "artists" singing and such in the metro:

Hey, it's a recession!

So for anyone who knows me, knows that I'm frugal...okay I'm just cheap.  So imagine my happiness to discover Wise Bread, a blog who's tag line is living large on a small budget.  I dig it, I mean I live in DC a city for the grown and sexy, but I am not grown enough for shelling out the cash necessary to keep it moving in this city. 

Also, thanks to Wise Bread I got a free pair of Pink undies from Victoria's Secret and a 12-oz beverage at 7-11.  I also got some advice from the site regarding what it would take to make Poplitics a blog of household recognition a la Perez Hilton.

Bottom line: Check out Wise Bread for free stuff, funny stuff, and overall utility.

I like funny stuff too!

Today has been a heavy day for Poplitics, so lets lighten things up :) This video is HILARIOUS:

and here is the spoof!

Maybe his Mom didn't hug him enough?

I'm appalled that a black man made a 10 minute hate filled YouTube tyraid against black women, generalizing us as all as baby mama's, "anchor-baby" creators and child abusers, hoodrats, uneducated, divas, materialistic, and sexually deviant.  Furthermore, I loved that  strong black women were associated with dead beat dads, jail birds, and wedlock while strong black men were associated with success and stability.  Need I mention Ambassador Davis, Fmr. Secretary of State Rice, and of course...Oprah (she is more than an entertainer...which is what he implies...she is a businesswoman.)

I personally am a strong independent black woman that holds two Bachelor's degrees, and will hold a Master's degree with honors in May.  I will enter the foreign service, a branch of our government not only responsible for diplomacy, but also has a small number of women and minorities present.  At 24, I have no children, my parents are still married, I am in a stable and loving relationship with a gainfully employed man (who for the record is not black, showing that other races are attracted to black women contrary to the video creator's belief) and my sisters and I share the same two parents and last name.  My mother, also a strong independent black woman, instilled in me the value of a work ethic, earning things, having patience, and a solid education.

I am not alone.  I have many black female friends that I consider to be strong, independent black women...these women are tomorrow's leaders and they don't have kids, baby mama drama, or no education; instead they have excelled in academia earning prestigious fellowships and have met men (of all contrary to his commentary strong independent black women do date outside of the black race and don't see a need to "preserve" the race) that can handle their intellect and grace. So to address the quote "she's not strong or independent, she's a pathetic child" --I sir, am not a child nor are any black women regardless of their behavior that may or may not meet your standards for approval.  Furthermore, there are countless black women excelling in their professional and personal lives, and those who have made mistakes are actively seeking to right the wrongs, therefore....they are strong, independent black women.

Also, I really enjoyed the perception that women of other races don't consider themselves to be strong, independent [insert race/ethnicity here] women.  I mean, in 2009, most women in the Western world seek independence in their decision making, be it personal or professional.  So, this is not an "epidemic" of black women, but women of the world.  With respect to the negative aspects, there is baby mama drama, low education levels, and loud cell phone conversations across the races...sadly, black women are jut quicker to be labeled "ghetto" by society for fitting into any of the aforementioned criteria...I blame colonialism as these perceptions resonate in nations that once held slaves.  I have personally witnessed it throughout Latin America while travelling and living abroad.

As for the creator of this video, he mentions repeatedly that black women are belligerant.  Well in my opinon his video is an example of him being beligerant, racist, and close minded...the same things he accuses "strong, black women" of.

This pole is only big enough for one of us

An exotic dancer was given probation after stabbing a fellow stripper with her stilletto.  The motive: the accused felt that the club didn't need anymore dancers.

Hey, jealousy!

Rep. Grayson was right...if you get sick, "die quickly"

With all the talk about death panels and conservative cries that the government would kill your Granny, I thought this was important to show:

So conservatives and people who don't support the government run health care plan, the government won't kill Granny because private companies have beat them to it.  Although the video is about the electric company denying her access to the critical customer program, I thought it was very neoliberal for the company to suggest that this woman dying of cancer, who can't pay her electric bills, and who is spending God only knows how much on drugs should purchase a $1,100 battery operated tank. Yes electric company that is logical...if she had 1,100 don't you think she'd pay her electric bill?!  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The bottom line is this. I understand capitalism is our global economic system.  However, I am tired of capitalism, privatization, and "the system" taking over human beings making them uncompassionate, dillilusioned, self people.

I'm thinking about raising some money for this woman so she can buy a nice pump to sleep through the night.  She's in stage four of cancer, she should at least be able to live her last days comfortably.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pre-Child Abuse

While reading Perez Hilton's blog, I snagged this picture.  I also have the following commentary:

Please don't wear mini dresses while pregnant your vagina is a little to close to being out there, also heels just aren't safe especially when your equilibrium is thrown off because know...pregnancy.


You know, I like this version a lot better than the apocalypse-like version done by the grown ups!

What?! My best friend is black!

So a Georgia man who has a black friend, frequently uses the N word, has a klan mannequin and pictures of MLK for decoration in his restaurant has brazely put this sign in front of this restaurant:

I find it ironic that:
--They sent a black woman to report the story
--This man is a member of the NAACP
--A person asked about the restraurant owner says, "He's a racist, I hate him"

Bottomline: the man says that its about health care and how Obama needs to fix it...others say its racist.  I vote for the later, especially considering the definition of n*gger rig. Here are two that I was partial to:


1. To fix something in a very cheap way, using whatever materials are handy.
2. A term used to describe a temporary fix or quick fix for an object using any tools at hand. Derived from the ingenuity of early African-Americans who did not have the means to fix every day objects and had to come up with these temporary fixes.
3. To repair something in a lazy and wrong manner. So the item will work for a short time but the repair won't last very long.

Using the above definition, Obama's health care plan is not a cheap fix (see defintion 1).  In fact its a multi-billion dollar overhaul of an already n*gger rigged system (see definition 3, think of insurance companies and state run options), if you want to be technical.  Also, the materials handy--our congressmen--are far from helpful on the subject.  Secondly, assuming the bill passes, this is not a termporary fix (see defintion 2), instead this will be something that will improve the health of Americans, in addition to the broken system since currently many do not have the means to provide health insurance for themselves.

After seeing the video...

...I can totally see why Jessica Biel might think Justin cheated! This video is HOT, and only for the grown and sexy. I will also say that the song sucks though, but once again... video and choreography: hot.

OH! My...

I love 3OH!3 the more and more I listen to them.  Its fun music, with two guys that are obvious goofballs, and it always has a touch of the pop culture I love.  Check out this video:

Where is Kanye when you need him?

Yes, less than a year into office and not passing a single piece of significant legislation, President Obama has "won" a Nobel Peace Prize.  Check out his acceptance:

My commentary as it came after viewing the above video:

--Yeah I'd be surprised if I won a prize for not doing a damn thing...

--Really....a call to action?! Aren't millions of uninsured American's a call to action? What about the thousands of wounded and injured troops being sent home in a different way than they left? What about energy dependency? What about the millions of students drowning in predatory student loan debt?! These are just a few examples of how people have been yelling at you to come to action, Mr. President.

The Prize Committee said that they "decided to honor Obama for his 'extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples'."  Umm, he just extended the Cuban he said he wouldn't do and did I mention Gitmo won't be closing on time? On top of leaving our troops in the sand for a couple more years...also a blatant policy shift.

Sorry Barack, I call bullsh*t.  A Nobel Prize should not be your call to action, the millions of global citizens waiting for you to make decisions that in some way affects their daily life is what should be your call to action. 

Point blank, the rockstar treatment is only going to go so far.  Unfortunately, Obama is riding a wave of international coolness that causes many to forget that he has yet to do anything.  I'm not saying that he won't wow us with results some day, but he should not be able to post-date his accomplishments, if I can't post-date a check a couple of days before payday.  Furthermore politically, this delegitimizes the liberal cause and your administration.

I've composed a list of other people who deserve a Nobel Prize, since they just give them away now:

1. Me: I've worked (within academia and volunteering) to make Latin America more equitable.
2. Lula: He's reduced Brazil's GINI coefficient and implemented successful social welfare projects
3. Just about every Costa Rican President: They don't even have an army! Plus they broker peace deals, making them the most peaceful country in the hemisphere.
4. The group of Thai doctors that has gotten the closest to curing AIDS than ever before
5. My mom, because she had me.
6. Your mom, because she had you and you're reading my blog.

In the words of Kayne:

Yo President Obama, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish but Jimmy Carter was the best Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of ALL TIME!

Latino in America

Last night I attended CNN's special screening for Latino in America. For those who don't know this is a documentary-style program that is intended to expose the average American to the realities of being Latino in the U.S.  Over the course of 18 months, Soledad O' Brian (a CNN anchor, who happens to be of Afro-Cuban decent) interviewed Latinos from all walks of life in an effort to expose viewers to the diversity and what it means to be Latino.  The CNN executive producer was there to explain the special:

First off, while standing in line waiting for Newseum to be opened for check in, there was a little anti-Lou Dobbs protest. The crowd wasn't big, but the chant was catchy:

Once inside, contrary to the frenzy stirring emails, there was cushy theater seating for all and I got comfortable to prepare for a night of cultural awareness...or anger...I mean honestly, as with any documentary, it really could have gone either way.

First my overall opinion: I was very pleased with the 46 minutes of film I did see.  I think CNN definately listened to the criticsm from Black in America when Latino in America began taping and production.

Now lets dig in, once again baring in mind that this was a PREVIEW not the entire 4 hour special.  I, a self-proclaimed Latin Americanist, learned some things from the documentary.  For example, did you know there was a town named Pico-Rivera that is middle-class, and 92 percent Latino? It's residents call it the Latino Mayberry.  Or did you guys hear about Luis Ramirez being beaten to death in Shannadoah Valley, Pennsylvania for being Mexican in an overwhelming white town, or that Cold-War era "Children's Villages" still exist to detain...I mean "care for" children caught trying to cross the border solo? And to satisfy my food and cultural yearnings, I even learned about Lorena Garcia, a fiesty Venezuelan chef that has potential to be the next Rachel Ray (personally I love her cookwear and home goods line, very spicy!)

Problems I have with the show associated with the content of the preview:

-There were no Afro-Latinos in the screening material
-There was no mention of intra-cultural issues and conflicts: ie: everyone vs. Argentina, Puerto Ricans versus Cubans, etc.
-Where's Brazil? Where the considered?

Problems that I have in general, that I'm sure will be evident in the actual special:

-The use of derogatory langauge such as "spick" and "wetback." I think CNN should have edited it out to raise cultural awareness, I mean we'd shudder if we heard "nigger" on TV, so I think these racial slurs should have the same social consequences.
-Type casting based on country of origin

After the screening there was Q & A and a panel disaster.  Most of the questions centered around Lou Dobbs and why CNN keeps him on the air, which I thought was counter productive.  Also, there was a man who I will call "the angry blogger" who went off for a good 5 minutes about how much damage this documentary is doing for the Latino community.  I wish I could find his blog, and unfortunatly my mouth was so agape during his tyraid, I didn't even think to start recording him. But, here is what I could catch:

All in all: Latino in America is defnately worth watching over empanadas, sangria, guac, and pisco. So I'll be tuning in on October 21 and 22nd and you should too!

All photos and videos where taken by me, Nakashia Dunner, so please, don't steal-- its bad manners.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

GW is apparently a treasure chest....

Every day my campus inbox is flooded with GW crime alerts.  I just don't get it.  I mean, I've been robbed.  I was a gringa with other gringas in a shady area of Buenos retrospect, it was imminent.  But I am often left confused by GW crime alerts since GW is located in one of the safest parts of DC, not to mention the high number of police--actual or campus.  I just feel like thieves don't even try here...they just prey upon the young, white, often drunk, and rich...which constitues over 95% of GW's about diversity!  See for yourself.

GW Logo

On Wednesday, Oct. 7, at approximately 9:30 p.m., a robbery occurred off campus at 25th and Eye streets, NW. A male student was approached by three African American males who asked him for a cigarette. One of the subjects immediately struck him in the face and took his backpack, phone and wallet. Metropolitan Police Officers responded to the scene and GWPD officers observed them in the area and responded to assist. There is no further description of the three subjects.
If you have not yet programmed the GWPD emergency number into your cell phone, please do so, 202-994-6111.
Avoid walking alone at night and use 4-RIDE if traveling within the service boundaries or take a taxi.
GWPD needs members of the GW community to immediately report anything suspicious or out of the ordinary and let us check it out.
This information is provided by:
The George Washington University Police Department
Non-Emergency 994-6110 EMERGENCY 994-6111 

and this one...this one really confuses me:

GW Logo

A robbery pickpocket occurred on Saturday, Oct. 3, in the 2000 block of F St., NW, involving three female GW students who were on their way home from a party. The students asked two unknown males on the street to take a photo of them, and the subject took one of the student's BlackBerry device while the photo was being taken. The photo to the right shows the suspect's hand in the student's purse. The following information was included in a "be on the lookout" flyer that the Metropolitan Police Department has issued for these two males.
The suspects were described as:
Suspect 1 - approximately 6'-6'1", 25-years-old, 220 lbs., heavy build, dark complexion, short-cut hair and wearing a green shirt and black pants
Suspect 2 - approximately 5'11", 25-years-old, 180 lbs., slim build, medium complexion and wearing a green cap, green jacket, green shirt and indigo pants.
Anyone with information about the identity of these subjects is asked to contact Detective Neil Jones at or 202-730-1903 or the MPD Command Information Center at 202-727-9099. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call 1-888-919-CRIME (2746). Anonymous information may also be forwarded to the MPD's TEXT TIP LINE by text messaging 50411.
The GW community should be on the lookout for these two males and should contact GWPD at 202-994-6111 immediately if they are seen on or around the campus.
Crime prevention tips: Do not ask strangers for assistance. Be cautious walking around campus at night. Use 4-RIDE or take a taxi when traveling around the city at night.

So tell me, am I missing something or are these kids just way to naive for their own good?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips....

The new Hellen Keller statue was debuted today at the Capitol! What do you think?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

From Crossroads to Auschwitz

Now I applaud Britney Spears for decreasing her hot mess ratio, getting her kids back, and wearing shoes.

I do not, however, think she needs to ever be in a serious film...let alone one set in the Holocaust.  Read for yourself and shake your head....

Political Purgatory

Oh Honduras, taking us back to a time before Latin America's third wave of democracy.  As you know, President? Zelaya is hiding...I mean, symbolically residing in the Brazilian Embassy.  Despite low levels of food and bare resources, the interim government has yet to "smoke him out of his hole" (who knew I'd ever quote President Bush?) and Lula refuses to boot Zelaya from the Embassy.

Anyhow, some Senate Republicans wanted in on the action and wanted a CODEL (Congressional Delegation) visit to Honduras.  Pump your brakes guys.  The State Department has an official no playing with the interim government rule (and that White House seconds that rule)!  The rule exisists because of  that whole undermining democracy thing that Micheletti did when his people forced Zelaya on a plane with a gun in his face!

Jim DeMint (R-SC *sigh*) has called this Obama administration and John Kerry bullying, and they have a right to know the truth about the situation in Honduras. Fine, Senate is the truth.  President Zelaya broke the constitution and was holding a referendum so that he could have the chance to run for President...again.  What makes this sketchy is a.) the ballots were printed in Venezuela and shipped to Honduras and b.) there are some articles in the constitution that made the referendum and Zelaya's seeking it illegal.  This lead to the government coming, Latin American style, to his door with guns and putting him on a plane in his PJs, this is the coup part of this.  To try to solve the problem, the hemisphere's most peaceful country, Costa Rica drafted a deal that could have resolved the problem BUT both Zelaya and Michiletti rejected it. Zelaya then went on an international feel-sorry-for-me tour, danced on the border, then illegally snuck back into the country to....well I'm not sure what he planned to do since he hasn't left the Brazilian Embassy yet.

The point is this, Zelaya was kooky and breaking the law but he was forcefully removed from office, the first coup since Latin America's fresh new democracies.  In my humble opinion, both Zelaya and Micheletti have some guilt and 'splainin to do to the internationl committee but what occured is a coup and is not okay.

Nonetheless, as U.S. Senators, you need to stand behind U.S. foreign policy on this matter meaning no rum and cokes with Micheletti and friends. It is important for all U.S. public officials to send the same and clear message to Honduras' interim government that is unacceptable to stage coups, that is soooo 1980s.

My theory: These guys are trying to pull a Mark Sanford and have Honduran mistresses.  Just saying.

Muy Flyte, Mr. President

Ah, Menem. The President that put Argentina into the economic black, has been charged with killing Jews! Okay, let me clarify.  Carolos Menem has been charged with obstructing justice during the inquiry of the 1994 AMIA bombing.

The blast killed 85 people and injured hundreds more, and to date no one has been charged for the crime...sketchy to say the least, especially considering the rampid anti-Semitism that plagues the country.

First Natalie Holloway, now Diplomats!

As many of you know, I will be entering the Foreign Service next year.  The experience is scary enough, without reading news like this!

Being a diplomat is dangerous work, I'm sure they got him because he refused a visa or something. After all, he was the vice consul...which means he manages the consular section aka the visa mill.

Que Triste.

This is also a good time to say that anything read on Poplitics isn't an official view from the US government and should not be understood as such.  Hey you can't blame me for covering myself!

Parabéns a Brasil!

The 2016 Olympics will be held in sexy and vibrant Rio de Janeiro, beating out racist Madrid, odd Tokyo, and crime riddled Chicago!  Highly regarded President, Lula da Silva and soccer legend Pele, will team up to promote the games.

Get the details here, and once again--Parabéns! (that means congratulations)

Sin Mapa, think again Calle 13!

Known for their mainstream hit Atrevete, which means "I dare you" in Spanish, Calle 13 has once again dared to push the limits of their creativity in their new album, Los de Atras, Vienen Conmigo.  The CD has elements of crunk, reggaeton, salsa, funk, samba, and the list goes on and on making Calle 13 far from average.

Tracks such as Electro Movemiento take you back to the days of 80s dance parties with a catchy and sexy chorus the includes a whispered "Toca, toca, toca, toca" which is a hint that a special touch is desired, if you know what I mean. Que Lloren has a beat comparable to today's dirty and southern crunk, Tal Para Cual reminds you of a modern cumbia waiting to be danced to, and Bienvenidos a mi mundo will remind you of a hot, sweaty Reggae dance hall.  These are just some highlights, but the entire CD is a winner and you will dance in your room, writhe in your car if you listen to it while driving, and sing at the top of your lungs.

Personally, I have fallen in love with Nadie Como Tu, check it out. It has a sassy samba beat and an amazing message...there is no one else in the world like you, everyone is different and should be respect as so. If you speak spanish listen to the lyrics, and if you kind of speak Spanish here are the lyrics in Spanish and English.  I actually heard this live in Uruguay this summer, so I'm really happy to hear a clean version of the song!

Now you may have noticed that this entry is entitled "Sin Mapa."  Calle 13 embarked on a tour with the purpose of discovering and understanding indigenous music, as well as seeing how their music touches peoples lives in South America.  Here is the preview:

Needless to say, this is one amazing group that has taken Latin music and understanding to a new level and beyond the expected and stereotypes, Bravo!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Religion + Morals + Ethics = Michael Moore and not Capitalism?

Tomorrow, I will ironically go pay to see Michael Moore's new film: Capitalism: A Love Story and after reading this interview I can't wait!  What I really liked is how he clarified that he isn't a leftist or a Marxist, but a Christian who understands how to treat his neighbor and divide the pie. Take that free-market, religous right!

So in Style Dolls are SO Stereotyping

Ever since Obama became President, White people are fascinated by Blacks!  Funny, since we've been here all along.  Anyhow, here is a new product Mattel has launched to break into the black doll market:

Obviously, I have an opinion about are some key concerns raised:

1. Why isn't a book or laptop one of the accessories?
2. Why does each doll come with a "little sister?" Seems more like a kid to me...
3.  Why are all the dolls light skinned, light eyed, and long haired?
4. Why is it called "So in Style?" Why not "So Well Educated?" "So INformed?"
5. Why is the product description written in what Mattel likely perceives as "black" instead of English?
6. Why are So in Style Barbies dressed like hoodrats?
7.  Why are So in Style Barbies only into fun, friends, and fashion?
8. Why is that ghettofabulous music playing in the background?
9. Why is Grace from Chicago?

Mattel...let me help you an African American woman.

1. My primary "accessory" is my PDA
2.I volunteer, and the kids I help don't follow me. I've also beat the odds and at 24 don't have a kid.
3. My skin and eyes are dark...not "tan" and my hair isn't long or flowing...unless I get a weave done, but I can't even get into all that here.
4. I'm usually not in style, and I don't care.
5. I say the whole word and completely spell out the word "in"

6. I like wearing clothes, normally suits from the Limited and sweaters from Express, not hoodies and shorts or shrugs and tights
7. I'm not into fun and fashion...I'm into politics and reading.  I'm also into friends, but even more into networking
8. I listen to Radiohead, Death Cab for Cutie, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Whitney Houston, don't try to identify my blackness with R & B
9. All black people don't live in Chicago

As condescending as my list is, I'm trying to make a point and that is: stop stereotyping and calling it outreach.  And just because you got an African American to design the dolls, doesn't make them legitimate or politically correct.  (Yes, I know your best friend is black.)
Instead, why don't you talk to African-Americans rather than market them or market to them.

Way to be a Parent....

...after being a party ho, Jon Gosselin!  Apparently, the responsible dad has put a halt to the filming of Kate + particular the 8. He presented TLC with a cease and desist order, to stop the filming of the children because he is worried about the affect the show is having on them.

I suspect this has more to do with TLC's new formula: (Kate + 8) - Jon, which cramps his expensive, new bachelor lifestyle.

You're lame Jon.

I like my Bojangles in the form of chicken, thanks

I think Pitbull is getting pretty damn lazy, pa' que tu lo sepa.  I know he's Cuban and trying to be a good Communist and save words and dance moves...but REALLY! See for yourself, this is the video for his new single "Bojangles:"

Can you walk and chew?

Hopefully you can walk and chew, its a basic motor skill.  However, texting and driving or holding the phone and driving can't be done, no matter how well you think you're doing at it, or

These stories are so sad...I can't imagine the guilt of the survivors, they probably have a phone phobia now.  As for the families...they probably want to punch everyone who's using a phone and driving.

My only question: Is anti-cellphone legislation possible...if so can it really be enforced? There's already so much UNCHECKED douche-baggery on the road.

Anyhow, please use your ear piece at least and don't text at all.

The Real Housewives of DC?

Bravo is allegedly scouting women to be cast for the Real Housewives of DC.  How interesting!  I guess the show would primarily film in Georgetown if they plan on keeping it strictly DC as that's where the money is, but the suburbs in Virginia hold some major money and powerful women. My advice to Bravo: open it up to the entire DMV area, not just DC.

As much as I love the Housewives, I don't want to see a RHofDC because...well I'm not a fan of DC (despite going to school here). The Housewives of location's past are already irritating enough.  Considering that the average bug-eyed sunglass wearing, big purse carrying, Blackberry wielding Washington woman makes me want to trip her since well she's looking at her phone and not the space in front of her, I don't think I can take a season of it, nor am I willing to risk transit delays and closures because of filming. 

Also, what would the thing be for DC? You know, the Orange Country wives hold an orange; Atlanta a peach.  Would DC hold a dollar? A soul?

Angie will leave you Brad....

Dear Brad Pitt,

You look a hot mess, actually make that an inferno of a mess.  Please shave immediately and don't wear slippers.  And if you wear slippers, don't wear ones that look like you stole out of the hotel room, you are too rich for that ridiculousness.  Angie looks good in anything, you harder.



You're mean Rep. Grayson!

Embarrassed that Democrats called out Joe Wilson for his outburst, Republicans just couldn't wait to demand an apology from Representative Grayson.  The freshman legislator, clearly outlined the Republican healthcare plan, and sums it up quite nicely:

So wait. Let me be clear (in the words of T.I. in the film ATL): Republicans could complain about death panels and how democrats want to kill your grandma....

but Rep. Grayson is out of line for telling the truth? Mess.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do

Or Iran rather, I just felt like writing that after reading this headline.

I just love that former President Clinton is still turned to for advice, foreign policy, and opinions.  He's a pimp.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hewolf puts Shakiwolf to shame!

As you can recall, I HATE that stupid "She-Wolf" song by Shakira, but...this is pretty damn funny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Move over Obama!

Brazil's Lula da Silva is the world's most popular politician, according to Newsweek.

Enjoying a 70 percent approval rating, Lula is quite bashful about his success.  Since he won't brag, I'll do it for him. Lula rocks. Brazil is the only country not sinking because of the global recession, and is actually experiencing growth.  He's been able to up the minimum wage, and extend education, health care, and other social benefits without sinking the economy because he has done so pragmatically and logically rather than to please the people or advance his career.  Last point, land redistribution for indigenous peoples and affirmative action round out Lula's awesomeness.

Bravo Lula!

Hopefully Kanye will let me finish my blog entry...

...or maybe not! I've been Kanye-ed

Also, check this out--pure HILARITY.

And, since this is also a politics blog, I thought I would share this:

For the blind, it reads: "Thanks Obama, and Imma let you finish, but Canada had the best healthcare of all time!"

Its Tea Time!

Sigh.  Honestly, once was enough guys.  After their "successful" coast-to-coast journey, the teabaggers (synonyms include racists, closeminded people, the uninformed, FOX news viewers, Glenn Beck followers, Klan, and crazies) are at it again and will be at a city near you!

The "Our Country Deserves Better" Committee (I'm not even going to take that shot, its too easy) announced the next tour will begin on October 25 in California, and become a complete clusterf*ck in Florida on November 11. 

Hopefully they won't have to use the Million Man March photo as evidence of success this time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

No more dancing on the border...

President? Zelaya is back in Honduras! the Brazilian Embassy to avoid arrest. Hopefully this time he got off the plane, he wasn't in pajamas and a gun wasn't in his face.

Taking it back to the old school Latin American military rule of the past, the current government has imposed a curfew but Zelayistas are partying in front of the Brazilian Embassy celebrating his return.

President? Zelaya is attempting to negotiate with the interim government, so he can take his throne...I mean office anew.  Need I remind him that Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, (you know the leader of the most peaceful country in the hemisphere) had a pretty solid negotiation that would have restored order and democracy in Honduras, and the interim government refused.  What makes him thinks he can broker something better?  I mean the interim government hates him, something about changing the constitution, et cetra.

Thanks for taking it back to the Cold War, Honduras!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Psycho Killer....

I was relieved to see no "DC" after Washington, in this case.  Why were they taking crazy, literally, CRAZY inmates on field trips to the county fair?! Hope they catch the guy though!

And just to continue the theme, here's a little music until they get him. Yes yes, I'm going to hell. Enjoy!

Is it me, or does this sh*t look photoshopped?

Mexican officials say they caught this man on security surveillance killin' up a metro station (personally I think the image looks a lil suspect).   Police say that Felipe Hernandez Castillo (what an original, one-of-a-kind-name) began shooting up sh*t after they made him stop working on his art, er I mean grafetti-ing walls in the station (because Mexico City is spotless and grafetti-free, *eye roll*) The incident has spawned Mexican officials to up the security in the subway system; by up the security I mean--they sent an additional 1,000 police officers to protect the capital's 175 stations. What makes this all the most suspicious is that Mexican authorities can't even get their story straight, I mean read for yourself. 

Honestly, I think they're just mad that once again, the target included a police officer.  But hey, police officers are killed everyday in drug violence in the country and the bumbling law can't seem to make an arrest there.  This leads me to believe that maybe they're swift with the metro killer because that's the only thing they  and/or aren't afraid to do? Or maybe this guy was too broke to bribe them. Yo, no se.  

However, I've often wondered why there was no security in the DC metro system.  I mean I've seen a ton of crazies wandering the streets, and I'm supposed to go on the honor system that they won't act a damn fool underground.  Me thinks not, and I drive my car.

Umm....this caused me to write a few letters.

Dear Mexico,

You currently have a drug problem that parallels what occurred in Colombia in the 80s and 90s.  Therefore, I think 1,000 police officers would best be used in border and drug towns.  Also, 175 metro stations is ridiculous.  Please condense them, everyone needs a little exercise, especially when the primary diet is beans, rice, and tortilla.  Thus, I think the Health Ministry would agree with me in saying that metro stops every 50 feet is a bit much. Also, the Transportation Ministry would save a ton of money and with that money you could hire private security guards to protect the metro, and use real police to do real work.  Obvio.

Please get your act together.


Dear Mayor Fenty/Department of Homeland Security,

Has no one really, ever thought about DC Metro Security?!  I mean Mexico is getting metro security, and Chile HAS metro security and surveillance.

Are you going to let these countries beat AMERICA?! (say this with the W accent, its more powerful).

Get me some damn security, you know people in the DMV (especially the D and M) are crazy.
