Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do

Or Iran rather, I just felt like writing that after reading this headline.

I just love that former President Clinton is still turned to for advice, foreign policy, and opinions.  He's a pimp.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hewolf puts Shakiwolf to shame!

As you can recall, I HATE that stupid "She-Wolf" song by Shakira, but...this is pretty damn funny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Move over Obama!

Brazil's Lula da Silva is the world's most popular politician, according to Newsweek.

Enjoying a 70 percent approval rating, Lula is quite bashful about his success.  Since he won't brag, I'll do it for him. Lula rocks. Brazil is the only country not sinking because of the global recession, and is actually experiencing growth.  He's been able to up the minimum wage, and extend education, health care, and other social benefits without sinking the economy because he has done so pragmatically and logically rather than to please the people or advance his career.  Last point, land redistribution for indigenous peoples and affirmative action round out Lula's awesomeness.

Bravo Lula!

Hopefully Kanye will let me finish my blog entry...

...or maybe not! I've been Kanye-ed

Also, check this out--pure HILARITY.

And, since this is also a politics blog, I thought I would share this:

For the blind, it reads: "Thanks Obama, and Imma let you finish, but Canada had the best healthcare of all time!"

Its Tea Time!

Sigh.  Honestly, once was enough guys.  After their "successful" coast-to-coast journey, the teabaggers (synonyms include racists, closeminded people, the uninformed, FOX news viewers, Glenn Beck followers, Klan, and crazies) are at it again and will be at a city near you!

The "Our Country Deserves Better" Committee (I'm not even going to take that shot, its too easy) announced the next tour will begin on October 25 in California, and become a complete clusterf*ck in Florida on November 11. 

Hopefully they won't have to use the Million Man March photo as evidence of success this time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

No more dancing on the border...

President? Zelaya is back in Honduras! the Brazilian Embassy to avoid arrest. Hopefully this time he got off the plane, he wasn't in pajamas and a gun wasn't in his face.

Taking it back to the old school Latin American military rule of the past, the current government has imposed a curfew but Zelayistas are partying in front of the Brazilian Embassy celebrating his return.

President? Zelaya is attempting to negotiate with the interim government, so he can take his throne...I mean office anew.  Need I remind him that Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, (you know the leader of the most peaceful country in the hemisphere) had a pretty solid negotiation that would have restored order and democracy in Honduras, and the interim government refused.  What makes him thinks he can broker something better?  I mean the interim government hates him, something about changing the constitution, et cetra.

Thanks for taking it back to the Cold War, Honduras!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Psycho Killer....

I was relieved to see no "DC" after Washington, in this case.  Why were they taking crazy, literally, CRAZY inmates on field trips to the county fair?! Hope they catch the guy though!

And just to continue the theme, here's a little music until they get him. Yes yes, I'm going to hell. Enjoy!

Is it me, or does this sh*t look photoshopped?

Mexican officials say they caught this man on security surveillance killin' up a metro station (personally I think the image looks a lil suspect).   Police say that Felipe Hernandez Castillo (what an original, one-of-a-kind-name) began shooting up sh*t after they made him stop working on his art, er I mean grafetti-ing walls in the station (because Mexico City is spotless and grafetti-free, *eye roll*) The incident has spawned Mexican officials to up the security in the subway system; by up the security I mean--they sent an additional 1,000 police officers to protect the capital's 175 stations. What makes this all the most suspicious is that Mexican authorities can't even get their story straight, I mean read for yourself. 

Honestly, I think they're just mad that once again, the target included a police officer.  But hey, police officers are killed everyday in drug violence in the country and the bumbling law can't seem to make an arrest there.  This leads me to believe that maybe they're swift with the metro killer because that's the only thing they  and/or aren't afraid to do? Or maybe this guy was too broke to bribe them. Yo, no se.  

However, I've often wondered why there was no security in the DC metro system.  I mean I've seen a ton of crazies wandering the streets, and I'm supposed to go on the honor system that they won't act a damn fool underground.  Me thinks not, and I drive my car.

Umm....this caused me to write a few letters.

Dear Mexico,

You currently have a drug problem that parallels what occurred in Colombia in the 80s and 90s.  Therefore, I think 1,000 police officers would best be used in border and drug towns.  Also, 175 metro stations is ridiculous.  Please condense them, everyone needs a little exercise, especially when the primary diet is beans, rice, and tortilla.  Thus, I think the Health Ministry would agree with me in saying that metro stops every 50 feet is a bit much. Also, the Transportation Ministry would save a ton of money and with that money you could hire private security guards to protect the metro, and use real police to do real work.  Obvio.

Please get your act together.


Dear Mayor Fenty/Department of Homeland Security,

Has no one really, ever thought about DC Metro Security?!  I mean Mexico is getting metro security, and Chile HAS metro security and surveillance.

Are you going to let these countries beat AMERICA?! (say this with the W accent, its more powerful).

Get me some damn security, you know people in the DMV (especially the D and M) are crazy.


Friday, September 18, 2009

We always knew she wore the pants

We all know that deep down, Michelle Obama wears the pants in that family.  This also made us wonder why she hasn't slapped some sense into her newfound, moderate, husbandent (that's husband and president).  Well, things may be a changin'.  Some analyists think that Madame Obama will be the secret weapon in this health care battle.  Hmm, so Obama, at least one of theme, may not fail us after all!

Michelle knows the health care system, well because she was a part of the system--a hospital administrator to be exact, so its great having an inside ally.  Aside from her knowing how the system works, she reminds us that she is human by describing urgent health matters that have affected her family, causing her to think "what if I didn't have health insurance."

Of course, women helping their husbandents isn't a new idea.  Hilary Clinton was the key advocate (and drafter) of health care reform legislation during the Clinton era...that failed.  Hopefully, history won't repeat itself!

Pearl Jam just keeps jammin...

I have always loved Pearl Jam, so I'm happy for new material.  Their new single, The Fixer, is catchy but you can still hear the dirty old Pearl Jam we fell in love with in the 90s.  I know I'm a little late on reporting, the single was released in July, but in my defense, I was out of the country.

Anyhow, I definitely plan on buying their new album, Backspacer, and I encourage you guys to as well! And if you don't, you can read my thoughts about it on Poplitics.

The reason birth control should be affordable....

...and sex education should be comprehensive.  So people who don't need kids, don't have them.

Pot calling the Kettle black, I call them both dumb.

 Cleverness by me and Paint technology

Nice try.

Mark Sanford is apparently stating that "it's time to move on," when asked about Joe I-don't-know-how-to-act when-grown-ups-are-talking Wilson's know when called the president a liar in Congress:

Sanford asserts that Joe has apologized, and that should be good enough..yeah, tell that to Jenny Sanford...oh wait, she's divorcing you.

Sorry, gov-a-nah, but you're not the one to be giving out advice...might I remind you that you skipped THE COUNTRY to go have an affair, possibly on my tax dollars?  If I were you I'd shut up and keep learning Spanish from your mistress, who is rumored to be in SC with you.

Amigos Nuevos

Diplomatic relations between Colombia and Ecuador are restored!  Following that little incident where President Uribe invaded...I mean "accidentally and unknowingly" sent his troops into Ecuador on the heels of the FARC, Ecuador said screw you and sent Colombian diplomats packing. Now the two nations look forward to restoring diplomatic ties and working together on the betterment of both of their nations.

Negotiations have been ongoing since the incident with a number of ups and downs, and of course Hugo Chavez throwing his two cents in, threatening war.

The important thing is that these neighbors can now borrow cocaine, er I mean sugar from one another.

Something cool is in Iowa!

And its called Leslie & the Ly's! Its a quirky woman, with a bedazzler, sweaters from the thriftstore, a keyboard, and a lot of free time--and I freaking love it.  You can check out all of her music on the myspace page, but I especially liked "Zombie Killers," I feel like the guys at Vicious Cycle Software and people who plays Left 4 Dead will especially enjoy it.

PS: She plays weddings.

Oh, and here's the remix featuring Elvira:

Happy Birthday Greta Garbo!

The sexy Swede would have been 104 today! Greta Garbo was a silent film siren in her day and is a part of Hollywood's "Golden Age." Also, for a song that references Ms. Garbo along with other legendary women, check out Cary Ann Hearst's "Glitter."

PS: Love the eyelashes!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh my, 3OH!3 Strikes Again!

3OH!3 doesn't want you to do the Helen Keller anymore, they want you to "whoo-whoo."  Check out the video for their new single.  Its painfully crude, and seductively catchy.

To freshen your memory, you probably know them from this jam:

It's dirty. It's pop. I love it.

Another reason I drive my car even though there is public transit...

A person decided to leap in front of the metro today.  Not only did it cause delays, it made a big mess.

It gets better and better...


Which Potty to Use?

(Above photos courtesy of: Flickr user Badjonni) 
A Toliet Revolution will be occurring in Chicago this Saturday to question gender norms of using the potty in public. Call me conservative, but if you have a functioning, pre-op penis you go to the boys bathroom; functioning pre-op vaginas go to the girls restrooms.  I'm not trying to discriminate, but concurrently I don't want to see someone with stubble come in when I need to change my tampon, pee, pull my wedgie out discretely, or gossip with my girls.  Furthermore, especially in places with children like restaurants and stores, it might cause some confusion and no one questions how the rights of parents and children could be stomped on.

I understand parents need to teach children tolerance and understanding, but I also don't think society has the right to accelerate this process or take a child's innocence.  I plan on having lovely progressive children, but I don't want to spend the rest of my dinner explaining how it is okay for some boys to use the girls bathroom and vice versa.  Like I said, I'm sorry if you feel like a man as a woman or vice versa, you should be pulling out the goods in the restroom designed to reflect your biological, not psychological gender.

Alternatively, why not establish a gender neutral bathroom for those who feel that they don't identify with one gender or the other? My solution is a third bathroom with the below sign:

Shakiwolf can't move like Shakira

Before starting, I hate Shakira's music in English, and I especially hate this "She Wolf" song.  Maybe its because I first heard it in Argentina or maybe its because she howls multiple times throughout it.

On America's Got Talent Shakiwolf sang her hit, and I was left confused.  More disturbing than lipsynching allegations, is the awkward non rhythmic way she "dances" across the stage throughout the performance, you be the judge.  Normally I love to watch her dance,but this looked kind of  like an upright seizure. Que paso Shakira? Why are you don't the robot? On another note, her hair looks FAB!

Why Reading is Fundamental

WTF.  The army notified a family that their son, Jesse Jasper, was dead when in fact he was very alive.  The girlfriend of the "fallen" soldier was confused to be on the phone with her "dead" boyfriend and see condolence groups forming on Facebook around his death.
The liason, wife of a deployed soldier, apparently misread the message that should have read:
"Sergeant Tyler A. Judin ... was killed in action while conducting combat operations in support of Bravo Troop 473 Cav."
"I'm sorry to inform you that on September 12 Sergeant Judin and Sergeant Jesse Jasper were killed in Afghanistan,"
Big difference lady!Chick can't read.  Note to army: Don't get people to read  messages to be delivered verbatim if they can't read.
Note: Video is included just because I wanted to hear the themesong, and thought others would too.


Honoring a promise to his fallen commrade, Barry Delaney attended his best friend's funeral in a lime green and hot pink 80s ensemble. What a friend!
Also, three snaps to the photographer for this emotion evoking photo:
Haven't these wars gone on enough? Now I see how our parents and their peers felt during Vietnam...

Dick Cheney Hospitalized at GWU

See, God doesn't like evil. Get the details.

Most expensive insurance ever :)

Finally, some numbers to feed the economist in me.  The proposed health care bill now has an official price tag, something critics and supporters alike have been asking for.  So, for health care reform that includes affordable public options for the uninsured akin to co-ops rather than the government option proposed by President Obama, we will have a new $856 billion bill to foot.  The breakdown:

$507 billion will be provided from cutting down government-funded health care
$349 billion will come from new taxes, fees, etc.

Honestly, I think the co-ops may not be all bad, at least it provides and alternative to overpriced insurance with high deductibles from giants such as Atnea, United HealthCare, and Kaiser to name a few. For critics who think it would be a waste of money and a failure, one word: Iraq. To date, the War in Iraq is costing:

and we have yet to withdraw, successfully transfer power, or meet our so called objective--oh wait there wasn't one just a personal family vendetta.  Afghanistan, different story and I can throw my weight behind that war, at least there was a clear, not contrived, reason for it.

So, I think we can afford to take a risk with something that will at least meet its objective.

Another reason to go to Raleigh

Aside from visiting my wonderful boyfriend, I now have another reason to drive from Virginia to North Carolina! What is it you ask? To see Chris Brown doing his community service! As you know, Virginia native and girlfriend-beater Chris Brown, is completing his community service here.  He was recently spotted in Richmond, beautifying my drive:

Police say they will be flexible in allowing him to complete his service...hmph.  Rhianna wasn't very flexble after she got beat up, in fact she was quite sore.  Put him in a jump suit and take away his blackberry, which can be spotted in his back pants pocket.

Now for those you don't remember, he only has to mow the grass after beating RiRi damn near dead (see side-by-side below, courtesy of

Way to go justice system!

Anti-Free Speech or Anti-Bad Music?

Now, we all know Cuba is no paradise.  In fact its bad politics, social policies, and a crazy leader who apparently found the fountain of youth during the revolution in the jungle, drained and bottled it, and didn't share.  This post is inspired by an event to be held by GWUs Students for a Free Cuba.  Elena Ros-Lehtinen (ERL) will be speaking...I'm sure you guys can imagine how I feel about her...and a Cuban punk band will be performing.
ERL frightens me for a number of reasons.  One is superficial, she has no neck.  People with no necks and people with yahoo email addresses can't be trusted, ie: Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin.  (It is not confirmed that ERL uses yahoo, but she does fit the first criteria for mistrust).  The second reason she scares me is because of her ardent, hard lined stance against the Cuban government, seemingly forgetting that there are other people aside from the Castros on the island.  Check her out on Fox "news":

Cuba needs to be a part of the OAS, was never a true threat against the United States (and in my opinion, we kind of made this mess for ourselves as Castro was once a moderate nationalist a la Eddie Chibas), and the OAS for the good of the whole of the hemisphere, needs the U.S., its largest donor, to continue contributing. PS: The Cold War is over.

Gorki Aguila is a punk rocker that has been jailed for his outspoken and deep lyrics like "I'll piss in his soup" and "I don't want to be a cosmonaut" and is now on trial for "dangerousness." These bad lyrics and bad music to put them on, lead me to believe that Castro didn't jail him for speaking out...but instead for adding to the misery of the island with this hideous musica:

Now if you actually watched that video, I'm surprised he wasn't jailed for disrespecting the Comandante, I mean am I the only one who noticed the floating penis in front of a post-op Fidel's mouth for the entire first video? In all seriousness though, not cool Fidel, let him be. You should have just taken his amp away or something, or exiled him to Europe; he'd have freedom and they'd have more bad post-Cure era music.
 Miki Flow has never been arrested and to me has a more compelling and more peaceful form of social protest in his music, his stuff also pleases the ears...or at least mine.  He's from the poorest region of Cuba, which is also the capital of Cuban Hip Hop, surprise surprise, that this part of the island also has one of the largest concentration of Afro-decendents. Miki Flow is pretty freaking amazing.  I actually met him last year at a Cuba conference in Miami, very well spoken and politically involved, he wants to see a free Cuba and criticizes those who make this such a divisive political issue while forgetting about the people. Bravo, and pay attention ERL! The music? Put Calle 13, Common, and the Roots in a blender and tweek it a bit, oh and put it in Cuban (hey they speak faster than your drunk grandma at New Years) and then you have Miki Flow:

For those in the DC area, Miki will be performing at GWUs upcoming Festival for a Free Cuba, come check him out, and of course it will be covered by Poplitics. And if you're glutten for punishment Gorki and the crazy Congresswoman will be speaking next Wednesday, luckily I'll be in class.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Possibly Crazy, Purely Fabulous

So love or hate the crazy broad, Lady Gaga is pop's current princess.  With the style of a crazy art kid, musical depth of Britney Spears, and the marketing team of Wal*Mart, Gaga is always in the press and trying to be bigger, better, and more outlandish.  
This year's VMAs (I didn't watch them, too old) was a perfect place for Madam Gaga to display her keen sense of fashion.  She and fashionistas think she's cutting edge, me and psychatrists think she may be cutting herself.  Here is a great decoding Gaga's VMA get ups and it is HI-LARIOUS.  Also, check this out:

Since earlier discovering Paint, I have created a new look for Gaga: 

-She is in a bubble, b/c lets face it Gaga is to fabulous to be touched by the outside world

-Her eyes are red because she is FIERCE!
-Why the bird? Honestly, do you think she knows whats in her weave? That bird has been there for months.
-The sun and moon jumper reflects Gaga's control over the universe, while the cardboard box boots humble the performer.  The sun rays also conveniently cover her alleged penis (around the 1 minute mark):

(PS: Really, Lady Gaga...pop...festival...sweaty, dirty? Am I missing something?!)

Jokes aside, I like Gaga even though she's nuts, so this really was just me having fun with Paint.  So Lady, if you're readying don't go all crazy like you did here:


I'm a NoVa Snob for more than parking :)

I knew there was a deeper, more subconscious reason I preferred tranquil Northern Virginia to Fenty-led DC! Apparently noisy roads (which are abundant in DC) are bad for your health, particularly your heart!

Cracker Barrel the new Denny's?

Now everyone knows I love me some Cracker Barrel, so I was so dissappointed to hear that Cracker Barrel is apparently turning into Denny's. An African-American woman, and Army reservist, Tashawnea Hill was beaten and called various racial slurs (in front of her child might I add!) by the below gem. 

This guy, was apparently very hungry and wanted to make sure his biscuits were hot and in the process gleefully swinging the door open...into the above mentioned small child.  Maternally, Ms. Hill told Mr. Hungry Pants his transgression and in response he turned into Mr. Crazy Pants and punched her in the head! He also was Mr. Racist Pants, shelling out a number of slurs during the beating. CNN reports that the FBI is calling this a hate crime and Cracker Barrel is cooperating fully.
Calm down, there is enough hashbrown casserole for everyone!

Divorce ---> Makeover?

Kate Gosselin, who's abrasive porcupinesque coif has been deemed a "no-no" in People's Best and Worst Dressed of 2009, has been recently spotted rocking a new do! Thank Jesus.  On the view Miss Gosselin (what is her maiden name?) is styled in romanitc waves, ironic no? What do you think about the new style?

(Photo courtesy of the LA Times)

I must agree, this is an improvement from the porcupine hair, but still isn't quite Kate.  So, I have taken the liberty to use the advanced technology of Microsoft Paint to see what she'd look like with long hair.
I say grow it out girl, but rock the waves in the meantime and remember: you will always have more hair than John.

We're afraid of Venezuela and not North Korea?

So, Washington is concerned that Venezuela is going to incite a South American arms race thanks to the country's recent weapons purchases from Russia.  Missiles that go an astonishing 55 what, land in another part of Venezuela? Or those technologically cutting edge Soviet-era tanks. What about anti-aircraft that has an astonishing 185 mile range.  If you can't tell by my sarcasm, I don't think this is much of a threat.

To prove my point, lets rewind to Cuba, because Venezuela is haphazardly following the same path which I'm sure will lead to the same destruction.  Exception, the Venezuelans will throw a successful coup before they completely sink like Cuba did.  Cuba began depending heavily on the Soviets for trade and weaponry.  When Russian realized capitalism would be far more fun, they slowly put a squeeze on the Cubans until eventually all trade and sweetheart treatment ceased, and the nation sunk into a depression that it has really never recovered from.

Fastforward: Hugo Chavez and his Bolivarian Revolution idolizes Fidel Castro's failed revolution.  With said, why wouldn't Chavez be pretentious enough to believe that he can execute what Fidel couldn't.  This will lead to one big epic fail.

So State Department, why don't we refocus our attention to North Korea, a country with proven capabilities and crazies. Also, if any country in the region should be viewed as an arms threat it should be advanced, stable Brazil.

DC Sniper Sentenced to Death!

Remember John Allen Muhammed aka the DC Sniper, the crazy man who was randomly shooting people in the DMV (thats DC, Maryland, and Virgina for non-natives/implants) area and inciting terror? Well, he was sentenced to death today for crimes committed years ago.  Malvo, the teen accomplice, has already been hanging out in jail for a while serving his life sentence.  Despite a November 22 execution date being set, Muhammed's lawyer has said that his client will be appealing to the Supreme Court.

Well, here's a little flashback...he's guilty and didn't want to appeal, the conveniently was found to be mentally unable to defend himself...whatevs, November 22 should stand, don't waste time and tax dollars taking this to the Supreme Court

Hopefully, they'll be able to find a vein...

Go big or go home!

France Francois is no stranger to controversy, politics, societal commentary, and giving her 2 cents and is not shy about voicing her opinion by voice or the pen...rather computer.  A few weeks ago France wrote a note on facebook, detailing the dynamics, difficulties, and joys of being a black woman with a successful black man in a healthy black relationship, a rare it seems or is expected since all black men are perceived as dogs, inmates, or wanting women of different races to exhert power and black women are bitter, baby mammas, and control freaks. [Note: these are stereotypes and generalizations, get your panties out of a bunch]
In the following weeks, the note not only started a frenzy on facebook, but was also picked up by blog, Black Snob, and now Essence!

Read France's note below or one any of the above sites.  But the point of this entry is to give kudos where due.  As your friend and fellow writer, congrats France!

When Love Is Black
by France Francois

When my boyfriend and I first made our relationship official almost a year ago, the most common question I was asked by my friends was, “...Is he black?” As an educated young black woman, the meaning and weight behind the question never ceased to surprise me and is continuously reflected in the dynamics of black relationships. While I've dated inter-racially before, dating an African American man in the U.S. brings an endless amount of joys and challenges like no other. Our relationship has functioned as a sounding board for many issues facing black people in America, and it is necessary to note that this has become an inescapable reality. To date a black man in America is to date the entire race and over 500 years of history.
Statistically, our relationship should have failed a long time ago. News articles and TV constantly remind us of the violence, misogyny, institutionalized racism, police brutality, and class issues that the black community faces. We are also often reminded about stereotypes against the “angry black women”, “promiscuous black men”, “dark skin vs light skin”, inter-racial and even inter-ethnic dating both consciously and subconsciously. Through many articles about the Obama's, aspects of our own relationship are scrutinized and dissected for deeper meaning and shortcomings. And, most interestingly, is how older black couples will offer us advice, often without provocation, because they feel invested in the success of our relationship.

We've found that these dynamics are inescapable. We can no more deny them than we can deny our own history. Neither of us fit any mold or black stereotype but we've found a safe space in our relationship to have honest discussions about how these statistics, stereotypes, and realities effect us both overtly and covertly. To date a black man in America is to understand that he may have been raised by a single mother and this will resonate throughout your relationship. That he has to be ten times better to be thought of as a equal, even if he is not treated a such. That getting pulled over for DWB or “fitting the description” can cause him to lose his life, or cost him his pride. That there is no single definition of success or progress, and at times he may fall short. That being upheld by society as an example of masculinity, sexuality, and athleticism can often rob him of his own manhood and humanity. That everyone else wants him, but no one else would trade places with him. That, at times, his anger is justified.

We have stumbled along the way, but we do not allow these things to define us or consume our relationship. As his girlfriend, it has been important to offer an understanding ear, support, and criticism and advice when needed- and to laugh. We've defined our own relationship without CNN and others spewing constant negative statistics about being 'Black in America'. If our relationship continues to thrive, its not because we've defied the supposed odds, its only because we loved each other.

France Francois is a vocal activist and student hailing from Miami, Florida.  She currently is pursing her Master's degree at American University, and holds a Bachelor's degree.  You can usually find her protesting, writing, organizing, and getting people informed and involved.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He's the gingerbread man

Apparently an Ohio man on death row didn't meet his maker after over 20 years of anticipation. Scheduled for death by lethal injection following conviction in 1984 for the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl, he surprised everyone...and lived.  No, no, he's not bionic. After hours of vein searching by "professionals" to no avail, the governor gave this dog his day, or rather, his week. But don't you worry, he's rescheduled for September 22.  
If I were him, I'd pray for the same "professionals" who couldn't spot a vein.  But then again, who wants to live waiting to die, I'm sure he was pretty psyched up only to still be alive right now.  Seems stressful, even more torturous than death row!
But, really?! Get this man a bottle of water or five! What do you mean they couldn't find a vein!? Jeez, I feel like they let him watch TV extra this week or give him an extra belt so he can do it himself in his cell! What a mess...check out the full story here.


Oh the good ol' boys.  Check out the blog of Texas Fred.  It frightens me, especially the comments left by his followers.
I came across Texas Fred, while searching for the below photo, which lead me to this Miami Herald article.
Why ever would I, as an African-American, be offended by the photo of Obama, a President who is half Kenyan, depicted as a tribal person on this website? Silly me. *note: sarcasm.
Also, should you as Americans be concerned that this photo was passed around by Dr. David Kalip, a vocal opponent of Obama's healthcare plan, leader in the medical community, and practicing physician and surgeon? Well, for your convenience here are ways you can contact him and express yourself:
Doctor David McKalip
727-822-3228 (FAX)
Put your pitchforks down (but still feel free to email or call him), he's since resigned and admits to the St. Petersburg Times that "he was worried about the impact on his private medical practice" [referring to the fact that the world knows he, a doctor and medical leader, forwarded an offensive image to his closest gchat friends] and he also told the paper that he hopes to focus on community service, building on past work in African-American youth development...
I have a sneaking suspicion Doc that you're not welcome anymore in the African American community, I mean minorities compose a majority of the uninsured, so they can't afford to pay for your back peddling, I mean guilt, er rather community service.  Plus its highly probable that they can't afford your medical services either, so don't worry Dr. Kalip, I doubt you'll loose many patients.

Sometimes I miss Argentina, just a little.

This video makes me laugh and remember how absurd I found things in Argentina.  And, FYI he won and "tengo plan" was really his platform. This show is kind of like SNL there, to give some background.

You can learn from reality TV

I love the Real Housewives of Atlanta, sophisticated hoodrats I say.  The best is Sherree, failed marriage and failed fashion design, but she swears she is on point.  Enjoy:

Now, you may not think so, but "who gone check me boo" (around the 2 minute mark for you lazies/technologically impaired that didn't watch the above) can be applied to really anything, even politics. For example:

Congress:  Representative Joe Wilson, you need to apologize for calling the President a liar
Joe Wilson: No, who gone check me boo?!

State of SC: Please disclose all account information to the Ethics Commission
Mark Sanford:  Sure, but who gone check me boo?!

Pro-Health Care Reform Camp: President Obama, we really need a public option for health care.  Please don't eliminate this from the bill.
President Obama: But I have to be moderate, who gone check me boo?!

Argentine government officials/Argentine public: There will be no cabinet changes following the recent elections
President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner (following her impromptu cabinet change): Por favor, quien gone check me boo?!

As you can see "who gone check me boo" adds sass, but most of all makes you believe your argument is legit when everyone else knows its flawed.

Too soon?

The day the music died--Part I, Hip Hop

I'm not sure when it died...but it has. Hip hop was once a way for African American artists to talk about their neighboorhood, poltics, crime, governance, and even love.  Now its a forum for excess, bling, booze, boobs, and overall shallowness. 
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

But as bad as that is, I have a special place in my heart for a ghetto love song:
and a ghetto heartache song:
I think I'll tackle pop or rock next, but honestly...pop wasn't ever really that deep and rock is a marginal step up from the former.  Okay, I'll be really honest, I just think these 4 songs are absurd but painfully catchy, there I said it.

Te quiero, impeachment

As a citizen of SC all I can do is wonder when Mark Sanford's Argentine mistress/baby mama?/mid-life crisis ho (who is ugly as sin, might I add) will say, in English of course (you didn't think that Mark speaks Spanish did you?) "Honey, you should resign and move back to Buenos Aires with me." Because honestly, the south is rising...again...against Mark Sanford.  The Ethics Commission is on his case like white on rice, get him boys!

And people thought that SC was segregated! Nope, blacks and whites (because only two races reside in the state, obviously) all over can agree on this! Hopefully Mark Sanford is getting as nervous as a whore in church and maybe the legislative system can impeach him and get him on the first thing smoking out of South Carolina. I mean you should not disappear from the State you govern to have sex in another country, your life is not a romance novel, but we as a state are about to turn the page.

PS: Hope you guys enjoyed Southern euphemisms.

Love shouldn't hurt...

Patritoism (n.): devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

Synonyms now apparently include: fear, bigotry, racism, and closemindedness?

Lets focus on the definition.

Better Kayne than Joe...

This combines two of my loves, pop culture and politics.  As we know Kayne kicked a puppy, I mean stole a lollipop from a child, I mean stormed the stage during sweet Taylor Swift's VMA win. For those living under a rock, you can see Taylor's heart break here.
What does the leader of the free world have to say? "Jackass." (hear the HI-larious clip and read what Perez Hilton has to say about it, here) Well said, bravo, and supposedly, off the record (shame on that reporter for publishing an off the record comment). 
As my southern mother would say, you call people by their names so Obama was a bit wrong for calling the "still grieving" Kayne a jackass for is ridiculous behavior.  But, it would have been worse had he called Joe Wilson a jackass in retaliation for Joe calling him a liar. Which in my opinion would have been wrong, but also a great summarizing statement. Sticks and stones...